
Things You Should Do Before a Natural Disaster Hits

Mobile Kitchens USA has been there to help families, neighborhoods and sometimes even entire communities after disasters strike. Our mobile kitchen trailers, restroom trailers and food storage units have been used to feed volunteers, first responders and victims throughout the country. We’ve seen the devastation firsthand and we know how tough it can be on people who aren’t fully prepared.

Whether it’s flash flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes or blizzards, a natural disaster can happen quickly and oftentimes without warning. There are steps you can take to be prepared in case of disaster, so that you and your family will have some degree of comfort and safety during the recovery.

1. Store Water and Food

You should keep at least three days’ worth of drinking water and non-perishable food items stored safely and conveniently. It needs to be somewhere that is easily accessible before, during or immediately after a natural disaster, yet won’t be damaged by the event. Also, if you have pets, make sure there is ample food and water for them in the kit.

2. Know your emergency procedures

Learn who the local authority is during natural disasters. Visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) website for specific information. In addition, have an evacuation route planned and practice emergency drills with your family or co-workers to make sure everyone knows exactly what to do if something happens. Last but not least, check with your insurance company and understand your coverage for certain disasters that may affect your region.

3. Supplies and First Aid

In addition to your food and water, you’ll want to stock flashlights, candles, batteries, matches, prescription drugs and a first aid kit in your survival kit. Having a way to see in case it’s dark can make a huge difference and you’ll want to have the first aid kit ready if someone is injured during the disaster. It never hurts to stay brushed up on CPR training, as well.

4. Cash, valuables and important documents

Even though you’re hoping for the least disruption possible, you have to plan for the worst. Keep some cash on hand and protect any valuables and important documents that you can’t live without protected, secure and accessible.

5. Establish a meeting place

In many cases, natural disasters happen without warning and not all family members will be at home. Make sure everyone in your family knows where to go in case of emergency. Establish a central person of contact, so everyone can call the same number and check in. Establish a back-up contact option in case phones are down.

Though it’s tough to ever be fully prepared both mentally and physically for a natural disaster, taking these simple steps can help make the recovery a little easier for you and those you care about most.