
Safety Tips When Operating Mobile Kitchens

When you buy or rent a mobile kitchen trailer from Mobile Kitchens USA, there can be a little bit of an adjustment period for your kitchen staff as they get used to working in a new space. It’s an easy transition for most, but safety should always be at the top of everyone’s minds. Here are some safety tips that will help you safely operate in your mobile kitchen unit.

Avoid Burns
This is always a major concern in any kitchen. Burns can be common if people aren’t careful. The first thing to remember is to always keep an eye on your clothing. Be careful not to wear anything too loose or overly flammable. Always be mindful of where your clothing is in relation to a range, oven, skillet or grill. Also, be very careful when handling grease and oil. Never leave anything frying unattended and consider asking for splash guards, which help prevent fires, when customizing your mobile kitchen unit.

Watch Out for Cuts or Punctures
Most commercial kitchens are busy places with a lot of activity. If you are using knives or other sharp utensils, be mindful of your surroundings and be careful not to cut yourself. Another good tip is to keep your knives sharp. It may seem counterintuitive, but dull knives actually result in more severe wounds because they require more pressure to cut through ingredients. Make sure any surface you are cutting on is flat and that you are standing on a flat surface, as well.

Be Extra Careful Around Slippery Floors
Mobile Kitchens USA uses slip-resistant flooring in all of our mobile kitchen trailers, but it’s not foolproof. Dropped and spilled food can make the surfaces slippery and so can non-kitchen-friendly footwear (high heels, dress shoes, etc.). Freshly-mopped wet floors will also cause slipperiness, so put up signage or other indicators to let everyone on the staff know to avoid certain spots.

Safety in any kitchen should always be a top priority, and that’s especially true in a mobile kitchen, since people may not be used to space right away. Always stress safety to your kitchen staff and follow these simple tips to avoid injuries.

To learn more about recommended mobile kitchen safety protocols and custom options available at Mobile Kitchens USA, contact us today!