How to Choose the Perfect Size for Your Rented Mobile Kitchen
At Mobile Kitchens USA, we understand that each one of our clients has their own specific needs and requirements for their rented or purchased units. That’s why all of our trailers are modular and can be completely customized with the appliances, workspace and other features that you require.
However, it can still be challenging to select the right size and model for your unit on your own. Consider the following factors when it comes time to choose the perfect size for your mobile kitchen trailer.
What Type of Food Service Operation is it?
Naturally, the type of food you are storing, preparing and serving may help determine the size and layout of the kitchen trailer you need. If you have to store a lot of refrigerated ingredients, require large specialized appliances or need a certain amount of workspace for your kitchen staff, you will need a trailer that can accommodate all your specifications.
How Many People Are Involved?
It’s important to take into account the size of your kitchen staff. How many people will be working in the trailer at any given time? Also, be sure to consider how many people are being served, so that you can make sure your mobile kitchen trailer is equipped to handle your customer demand.
How Many Meals Are Being Served Each Day?
A good factor to keep in mind is the overall quantity of food you will produce each day. This will help you figure out how much work and storage space is needed, along with what appliances (and how many of each) should be installed.
Is it Replacing a Preexisting Facility?
Many people rent mobile kitchen trailers while their main kitchen facilities are being renovated or repaired. The size and set-up of your normal kitchen should be factored in when customizing the mobile kitchen. You want to make sure it can allow you to continue normal food service for as long as you need it.
These are just a few of the factors you’ll want to consider when choosing the perfect mobile kitchen trailer for rent or purchase. Representatives from Mobile Kitchens USA are here to help you figure out your needs and customize the trailer to your exact specifications. To start renting or buying today, contact us for more information.